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The Stinking Pause Podcast

Welcome to the Stinking Pause podcast. 

Classic and not so classic movies - old and new. That's about it!


Feb 1, 2014


An extra episode from the early days of The StinkingPausepodcast. One that we never expected to broadcast if the truthbetold!

Scott and Charlie discuss Midnight Cowboy, Trading PlacesandOliver!

Listen in wonder at how we ever managed to get pastthismiserable attempt at broadcasting from March last year.

We go into great detail, almost scene by scene in some casesbuthave fun along the way. You can also discover why we broadcastfromwhat has now become known as the Balaban Sound Studio.

As has now become traditional with our recordings, thisepisodecomes in at a bladder wrenching two and half hours. A primeexampleof quantity not quality some might say :-)

Normal service will be resumed in a couple of weeks time whenwewill be looking at Capricorn One, Zulu and Shine.


All episodes are available via iTunes, Stitcher Radio andtheblog

Follow us onTwitter  @StinkingPause  @scophi  @THRIIIIKER



This episode is dedicated, of course, to the legendaryBobBalaban. Sir...we salute you!